pink tulips

 Today I bought some lovely pink tulips for the kitchen table.

boxing hares

 I love sculptures, this is one of two small sculptures of hares that I own and this one is boxing hares. I am hoping one day I can add to my sculpture collection

Spring blossom

 The blossom is on the trees and today it reached 14 degrees in London which is so newsworthy. As I write this its still light at nearly 6pm. Having lived back in London for nearly 18 months now I feel like coming out of winter is like coming out of hibernation and the slightest sign of warmth and spring gives such deep joy! there is also something so magical about the change of seasons. In Sydney there wasn't such a strong definition and it was marked by a day in the calendar but here it is marked with little signs like daffodils and crocus and blossom blowing in the breeze. 

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